CavernHold Armory - Carry Ten Games In The Space of One
Created by Bobby Powell
A modular case that consolidates and protects your games from dents, spills, and weather while traveling or storing on your shelf.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Armories, Accessories, and July Julfillment Update
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Jan 19, 2025 at 09:56:14 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
First Wave Fulfillment Just About Complete
about 1 month ago
– Sun, Jan 05, 2025 at 10:10:46 AM
Happy New Year, CavernCritters!
We hope you were able to enjoy the holidays with loved ones and that many of you are enjoying your new CaverHold Armories, Fortress, and Keeps.
Christmas festivities as we visited family in a much nicer climate
We were able to relax after a tight and stressful first-wave fulfillment of the CavernHold game bags. We worked through Christmas Eve to get as many rewards as possible shipped out and were able to get through about 1300 out of the 1400 orders that were due to ship before Christmas.
There were 100 or so packages with various technical issues that we have been spending the last couple of days correcting since we've been back to work. Despite the heavy snowstorm we encountered, we were able to get most of these remaining packages to the various export facilities.
On our way to drop of the latest round of pledge rewards.
We still have more orders to complete that were due in December but these orders had more complicated errors that were not solvable with the information we currently have. Please check your Kickstarter messages and/or email as we may need additional information from you.
If you still do not see tracking information on BackerKit and you expected your order to go out in December, please make sure to check if your account is using the private Apple ID. We still have several backers who did not complete the survey and BackerKit cannot get ahold of you because of the private Apple ID. If you think you are affected by this, please send me a Kickstarter message with a current email address and I will update your BackerKit account so you can fill out your survey.
Modular Dividers
We wanted to showcase some of the amazing setups some of you have been posting online so everyone can get excited as we wait for the remaining cases to come in.
Great deckbox layout from Collin
Exellent optimization from an anonymous backer
Fantastic modifications performed by Renna with these stellar deck boxes
Impressive consolidation from Yvette
Triad Setup from Shane
Phillip's deck setup
Phillip's play mat setup
The modular divider system is the core function of the CavernHold bags, allowing you to create custom-sized compartments for storing your cards or other game components. We have received suggestions about new sizes that will allow for a variety of new layouts from those who have already received their rewards. We are in the process of working out the details to make an alternative divider set purchasable on our website. We plan to have them available by the July fulfillment but we will post more updates as we get closer to that point.
In the meantime, the existing dividers are able to be modified if you desire further customization. Proceed with caution if attempting to shorten the length of the dividers as these changes will be permanent. You can of course purchase more dividers through our pre-order store.
The extra dividers are not yet available on our website since we are still parsing through the last of the first wave shipments and shipping out any replacement parts needed but we will make them available on our website as early as possible so you can experiment to your heart's content with the modularity that these cases have to offer.
To help assist you in modifying the dividers, we are starting to film how-to videos. These videos will show how you can properly modify the length of your dividers for even more layout options. We will post an update when these are live o our YouTube channel.
Canadian Post
For our Canadian friends, we've had some reported issues with high brokerage fees. We apologize for this issue and sympathize with your frustration. We were very limited this holiday season on how we could send your items due to the Canadian Post strike. We typically send packages through USPS which then transfers to the Canadian Post but that was not an option this holiday season.
The shipping company that we ended up using ended up charging some pretty high brokerage fees on top of the tariffs and taxes. Once we started getting reports of this issue, we upgraded the few remaining packages to a different shipping company to try to prevent this from happening any further. Had we known they were going to charge such ridiculous fees, we would have made it a priority to reach out to you all to see how you wanted to proceed.
We have just been notified two days ago that USPS will resume shipping to Canada starting on January 6th so we can at the very least, go back to this method for future orders. We will be reaching out to our international fulfillment partner here in the coming weeks to come up with an even better strategy for the remaining rewards.
Quality Control
Some of you have reached out about quality issues, specifically in regards to the dividers being too long causing unwanted bowing with other dividers. This modular system requires tension to hold the dividers into place. To keep the dividers and the case contents in their desired locations, the manufacturer aired on the side of making the dividers too long (rather than too short) to ensure they wouldn't become dislodged.
The tongue and groove system must retain a decent amount of tension for the dividers to stay in place but if you want to relieve some excessive tension and bowing, you can modify the dividers as we mentioned in the divider section above. The biggest issue seems to come from the small dividers so if you modify any of the dividers, we recommend starting with those ones. Be very cautious if you modify your dividers. If you make them too short, they will no longer work in their originally designated locations.
Modification Tips
Not much material needs to be removed from the dividers to relieve some of this tension so we recommend sanding one of the ends of the problematic dividers. Make sure to wipe away any dust from sanding before reinserting the dividers and frequently check the fit of the dividers before continuing to sand. It's better for these dividers to be too long than too short.
Second Production Run
The second production run continues to make progress. We are having the manufacturer do as much preliminary work as possible before they take their month-long holiday to reduce the amount of production time when they return to work. For those of you who do not know, most of China shuts down for about a month to celebrate the Chinese New Year. This gives them an extended break as they enjoy festivities and time with loved ones.
Early Fulfillment
As we come to a close with shipping out the first wave of CavernHold cases, we will then proceed to ship any remaining rewards that we have in stock. Most of the remaining orders contain a Fortress which is what we have the most limited stock in.
After making sure that backers from the December shipping wave have what they need, we will proceed to fulfill any of the July orders in the same manner that we did with the December orders, starting with those who completed their pledge survey first.
We are completely out of Purple Fortresses and Armories so we will not be able to send any July orders who made those selections. We are also completely out of Navy Armories but we will be receiving the remaining Armory stock here in the next month.
We will not be able to fulfill that many July shipments since our Fortress stock is very limited but we will fulfill as much as we can early.
Splitting July Orders
Once we have shipped out all of the Fortresses that we have in our possession we will proceed to open up the opportunity to split July orders if you are interested in receiving your Armory and/or Keeps early. Fortresses will still have to wait for the July shipment.
As previously mentioned, we will be getting the remaining Armory stock here in the next month and we currently have more than enough Keeps in stock. If you are interested in this option, please send us a message at [email protected] and we will add you to a list of backer to split their orders. Additional shipping fees may apply. We will send you an invoice if more shipping fees need to be collected to split your order.
For international pledges, we can split your order as well but because of the nature of costly shipping prices for one-off shipments like this, we recommend consolidating your orders. We have a fulfillment partner that we believe will make the July shipment cheaper for you so if you can wait, we highly recommend it.
Ordering Armory, Keeps, MagPlates, and Dividers
Currently, we have Black and Red Armories available for sale on our website as well as any color Keep. If you want to grab an extra one of these cases or if you didn't get one yet and are interested, you can purchase them at
The rest of the Armory colors are currently on back order, due to hit retail in February since we are holding on to what we have left for backers who may need replacement parts or for Early Fulfillment for July backers. The MagPlates and extra divider sets will also be available on our website here in the coming weeks. Again, Fortresses will not be available until July since we are out of stock.
Wrapping Up The First Wave
We thank you all so much for being patient and understanding as we faced a few delays during this crazy holiday season. We hope your Christmas and New Year were awesome and we look forward to all of the great things to happen in 2025. If you have any questions or concerns about your rewards, feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or email us at [email protected].
First Wave Fulfillment Starts on Thursday
2 months ago
– Tue, Dec 17, 2024 at 01:04:39 PM
We finally have word that the first wave of Armories and Fortresses will be here on Thursday! There has been a frenzy of back-and-forth transmissions with the freight company but it seems like it's finally arriving after much teeth-pulling.
We will begin fulfillment the moment it arrives on-site to try to get as many of these cases shipped out on the 19th as humanly possible. We have some extra hands to assist with this and are just about done prepping all of the labels so we're hoping we can get through a lot of orders on the day of arrival.
If you are in the first wave, you'll start seeing that tracking number show up on your BackerKit account in the next 24 hours if it hasn't been updated already. We have reached out to a handful of backers who we had errors with their pledges or shipping addresses. Please make sure to check your Kickstarter messages and respond to any inquiries that we sent to you. We can't guarantee a timely response but if you put it in the message thread, we will surely see it and adjust your order accordingly.
Eligible US and international shipments will both be going out at the same time. If you are located in the eastern half of the US, you have the best chance for before-Christmas arrival. We will do our best to try to get everyone's orders processed as quickly as possible for the best chance of arrival before the big day. With it being so close to the holidays, we can't make any guarantees but we have done a lot of preparation for this day so we are praying for a smooth and successful fulfillment.
There were only about 20 or so backers who were eligible for before-Christmas shipping who didn't get their first choice colors and only 2 backers who we ran out on both first and second choice. We messaged those who didn't have a 3rd color backup and added a note on your BackerKit if we had to switch to your second color.
To find the note, reopen your survey link and click the button on the top right that says "View Confirmation". On that page, you will see a label that says, "Special Note" if we have added one. This is where we added the info about you receiving your second color option. If you don't have a note and don't have a Kickstarter message asking for your 3rd color option, you can assume that your first color option was chosen.
The second wave of Armories will arrive towards the end of January/beginning of February. If you want to grab another Armory you can place an order on our site at and we will ship those out once we've replenished that inventory.
Some of you who are expecting your rewards in July have asked if we are able to split up your shipments if you purchased both Armory and Fortress (or any other offerings). We just placed a new order for the remaining Fortresses which will arrive over the summer but if you are interested in getting your Armory or any of the other offerings sooner, as previously mentioned, we will have our replenished Armory stock available in January/February.
We are working out the logistics of splitting your orders and it's looking like something we will have the ability to do. Since we will be splitting up your orders, there will be additional shipping costs that we will need to collect if you choose that option but we want to make it possible for those who have to wait on the Fortresses until July.
Local Pickup
Since we do not yet have the items in stock, we will not be doing local pickup tonight. We will instead drop off everyone's order on Saturday so that you can come pick up your order whenever is convenient for you. Still the same location. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
That's all for now! Have a great Christmas season and enjoy time with loved ones over the holidays. Talk soon.
Before Christmas Update
2 months ago
– Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 11:18:39 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Fill Out Your Survey
3 months ago
– Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 12:16:08 PM
Hey CavernCitters,
We hope you enjoyed your weekend! The elves here at Santa's workshop are gearing up to ship out the before-Christmas rewards as soon as they arrive. We've got all of the premium accessories and dividers lined up and even had time for some gingerbread painting before fulfillment begins.
Current Timeline
Nov 21st: before-Christmas pledge surveys lock
Nov 22nd: before-Christmas pledges credit cards charged for shipping/BackerKit add-ons
Nov 28th-Dec 5th: products arrive at our facility and before-Christmas fulfillment begins
Dec 5th: ALL pledge surveys lock and the order for the second production run is placed
Dec 12th: finish shipping before-Christmas pledges
Dec 13th: ship any remaining Fortresses to backers expecting items in July (US only)
July 15th or before: remaining backer rewards ship out
Before Christmas Pledges Locking Soon
Pledges that arrive before Christmas are going to be locked at 11:59 ET on November 20th. If you need to make any changes to your shipping address or color selection, please go back through your survey and make the necessary changes ASAP. After we lock your pledge, we will charge the credit card you put on file via BackerKit for shipping and any additional add-ons. Your order will be shipped within 2-3 weeks after we lock orders so no changes can be made after your order is locked.
We know there was some confusion on when people should expect their rewards because different dates were showing in BackerKit. Kickstarter is where you should look for your shipping dates.
If your Kickstarter pledge says estimated delivery in December, you should expect to see your order in December. If your Kickstarter pledge says July 2025 (and you ordered a Fortress), expect your order then. We will have extra Armories for the December shipment and a whole new batch coming in January. If you didn't order a Fortress, you should get your order in December or January depending on when you finish your survey (see Kickstarter Timeline for details).
If you did order a Fortress from the Triad bundle, add-ons, or main pledge, you will want to look at that estimated shipping date (Dec or July). That will be what qualifies you for your shipping group. We will be fulfilling all pledge rewards for each backer at the same time which means even if you ordered a Keep or an Armory in addition to a Fortress and your Kickstarter estimated delivery date says July, it will ship in July 2025. All Fortress BackerKit Pre-Orders will be shipped out in July as well.
We only have 600 Fortresses to ship out in this first wave. We will ship out all of the before-Christmas backers first. Once we have shipped all of those, we will wait until the pledge survey closes and lock everyone's order. At this time we will ship out any remaining stock that we have available to domestic backers who selected colors that did not run out of stock.
Similar to the before-Christmas backers, we will go in order of survey completion to fulfill those expecting their rewards in July. You will see a notification in your BackerKit when we purchase shipping labels to let you know that you should be expecting your rewards soon.
Want To Get More Bags and Dividers?
Some of you may have noticed that you were unable to purchase additional game bags and dividers in BackerKit. This was intentionally turned off for people who pledged to get their rewards before Christmas since we have limited stock. If you are interested in purchasing additional bags, you can purchase them on our BackerKit pre-order store now.
Please note that these additional bags and dividers will not ship out until January(Armory)/July(Fortress).
Still Having Issues With Your Pledge Survey?
Please message us directly here on Kickstarter if you are missing rewards or having trouble with completing your survey so that we can make any necessary corrections to your pledge. If something doesn't look right on your pledge survey then it isn't going to show the right information on our end either.
Looking forward to everyone receiving their items as soon as we possibly can! Thank you all for your enthusiasm and patience as we navigate through the rest of the logistics of this campaign. Talk soon!