Pledge Survey Opens Tomorrow!
4 months ago
– Wed, Nov 06, 2024 at 11:56:47 AM
Hello, wonderful CavernHold backers!
We can hardly believe it—our campaign surpassed $200,000 with over 2,000 of you backing us! This achievement is monumental, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support, excitement, and belief you’ve shown in this project. We truly couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you, so we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Pledge Surveys Are Coming Soon!
We’re excited to launch the pledge surveys tomorrow, November 7th, at 1 pm ET for you all to make your color selections! These surveys are being managed through BackerKit to help us collect the necessary details for your pledge. You’ll receive an email from BackerKit with a link to your survey.
Please fill out the survey as soon as possible to secure your preferred color options for the bag(s) you ordered. At the end of the survey, you’ll also be asked to provide credit card information to cover the shipping balance and any add-ons you’d like to include.
For US AND international backers expecting their bags before Christmas, please ensure you complete the survey and add your credit card details promptly. Cards for shipping and any additional add-ons will be charged on or around November 21st after the "before-Christmas deadline".
Important Information for International Backers
We’ve worked hard to keep international shipping costs as low as possible for those expecting delivery before Christmas, even subsidizing some of the costs to make it more manageable for you. For the July shipment, we’re still collaborating with our fulfillment partners to see if we can further reduce these costs. While we’re optimistic about securing some favorable options, we can’t guarantee that prices will go down.
For our Australian backers, the final shipping prices came in higher than we predicted. We are frustrated with this outcome as we were led to believe by one of the fulfillment partners that we were considering that it would be closer to our estimates. As previously mentioned, we believe we will have better options come the July fulfillment so keep an eye out for future updates as we continue to work with other partners.
For all international backers eligible for before-Christmas fulfillment and wishing to keep that status, your cards will be charged the prices you see in BackerKit. However, if you’d prefer to wait in case international shipping prices change, please reach out to us directly and we will switch your pledge to the July fulfillment. The shipping prices will show up the same on your survey but we will not charge cards for international shipping until we lock in our fulfillment plan for July.
Additional Fulfillment Details
We're keeping an eye on the situation at US ports and will update you if any delays arise. Right now, we expect to receive all bags by November 20th, with extra dividers arriving a bit earlier, around the 12th. We're currently preparing packaging and customizing the premium items from the Kickstarter campaign, which will also be available as add-ons. Plus, our first board game, Gnomes & Wizards, along with the 5-6 player expansion and upgraded Power Crystal components, will be available to order on BackerKit too.
Thank you again for making this journey possible and for trusting us with your support. We’re thrilled to continue moving forward and can’t wait to get these bags into your hands!
Warm regards,
The CavernHold Team